Welcome to Social Studies!

Welcome to Social Studies!

Please be sure to bookmark my website!  We will be using my website as a resource for multiple assignments and projects.  While there are many areas on the website to explore, the primary section you should focus on will be the top buttons with the continent names, mapping, videos, etc.  When you click on these titles, dozens of resources will be available on that topic.  Be sure to browse around and save this site as a favorite for quicker access next time.  Remember that you should always check Schoology first to see the day’s and week’s plans.  Links for assignments, materials and work submission will be available, too.  This website is dedicated to general resources to support your work, but lesson plans or submission of completed work do not happen here.  Additionally, there is a single link to some resources for my elective class, American History and Film.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Mr. Trasky

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